ceon | Product Catalog
100 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Water Soluble Boron (B) %4 Water Soluable Manganese (Mn) %0,5 Water Soluable Zinc (Zn) %0,5 SUN DRY SUN DRY is a Kaolin, Boron, Manganese and Zinc based formula on with a special cosme c effect. Thanks to its high kaolin content, which reflects the sun's rays, SUNDRY increases produc on, prevents fruit rus ng and burning, and increases the brightness of the epidermis. SUN DRY has a strong feeding effect due to its high Boron,Manganese and Zinc content. SUNDRY improves all aspects of the fruit. Thanks to its high silicon and microelement content, SUN DRY prevents damage by reducing the incidence of sun rays and provides protec on on the surface of leaves and fruits.
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