ceon | Product Catalog

104 ceon. com.t r BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Water Soluble Copper (Cu) %5 Water Soluble Phosphorus (Phosphite) %15 CE FORCE LİBERTY CE-FORCE LIBERTY is a solu on made of copper, nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of phosphide. Phosphite ion supports the synthesis of phytoalexins (an microbial and an fungal compounds produced by plants against microbial, fungal, physical s muli) and has an -fungal power. Copper plays role in the process of chlorophyll synthesis and cellular respira on, it also par cipates in the synthesis of lignin (cons tuent of cell walls) andmany enzyma c processes. CE- FORCE LIBERTY is a bactericide and fungicide that s mulates the natural defenses of plants. In this way, it increases the resistance of plants to cri cal environmental, nutri onal and/or pathological situa ons. In addi on, this fer lizer promotes vegeta ve growth. Thanks to the CE-FORCE LIBERTY applica on, the crop is prepared against any possible threat, in the result high yields is obtained. While CE-FORCE LIBERTY eliminates copper deficiency in plants, it has protec ve and therapeu c proper es against fungal diseases due to its strong fungicidal proper es. CE-FORCE LIBERTY is a safe product for foliar and soil applica ons. CE-FORCE LIBERTY increases the chlorophyll content of plants and prevents the breakdown of chlorophyll. In thisway, the youth and freshness period of the plantswill be extended. CE-FORCE LIBERTY helps to increase the fat content of the fruit. CE-FORCE LIBERTY prevents leaf yellowing caused by copper deficiency. PROPERTIES