ceon | Product Catalog
106 ceon. com.t r BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) CE FORCE NİCKEL CE-FORCE NICKEL, developed by CEON Biotechnology Engineering, is a cri cal source of nickel, which is required in the produc on of various fruit trees, vi culture and hazelnuts. Nickel is an indispensable component of the urease enzyme, which is required in the conversion of urea to ammonium (NH4 +). When nickel is deficient and urea is the main nitrogen source, urea can accumulate on leaves to the level of plant toxicity, it is manifested as necrosis of leaf ps. CE-FORCE NICKEL contributes to nitrogen fixa on and urea metabolism (a nitrogen-containing compound) and is important for seed germina on. Nickel is also important for bacteria and fungi, which is important for good plant growth.. CE-FORCENICKEL is par cularly important for grains and legumes. CE-FORCE NICKEL protects plants against urea toxicity, plays a role in the synthesis of chemicals (phytoalexins) that plants produce to defend themselves against environmental stress. CE-FORCE NICKEL contributes to the produc on of lignin, a component of cell walls that strengthens plants and supports themagainst environmental stress. CE-FORCENICKEL ismobile in plants. PROPERTIES N ckel (N ) %10 Sulphur (s) %7
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