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112 ceon. com.t r FAYDALARI GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) FROSTWAR FROST-WAR ismanufactured using only the highest quality rawmaterials. FROST-WAR affects crop resistance especially under bio c and abio c stress condi ons. FROST-WAR is absorbed by the leaves and roots and increases resistance to cold and above all frost. Temperatures below freezing are stressful for plants and pose significant risks to farmers. Extreme weather events such as severe frosts have becomemore frequent: the climate is changing, and periods of unusually cold as well as dry and hot periods have become a common occurrence inmany countries. For farmers, reducing risks and maintaining high yields, even in adverse weather condi ons including op mum frost protec on, have become top concerns . Ice crystals formed at minus degrees can destroy plant cells. Plants try to protect themselves against winter death through a process called acclima za on: they store osmo cally effec ve substances such as sugar and potassium in their cells. Both substances act as an freeze agents by lowering the freezing point of the cell sap and thus maintaining cell func onality. The sugar required for this process is produced by the plant itself through photosynthesis. This process requires the FROST-WAR product. Water is transported upwards in one direc on through the xylem veins in plants. At the same me, minerals and organomineral structures dissolve together in water and are transported into the cell. Osmo c pressure is the biggest factor on the root surface during the transport of water. If the osmo c pressure at the root surface is higher than the osmo c pressure in the soil solu on, water begins to be absorbed by the plant roots. In healthy plant cells, the osmo c pressure should be equal to the turgor pressure.When this is balanced, the ra o of nutrients to water in the plant cell is 1/1 and pH and EC are equal. This means that everything works fine in the cellular environment. When this op mum cellular environment is provided, the plant is naturally freed fromstress factors such as cold, heat, nutri on andwater that affect yield and quality. • FROST-WAR is a product to prevent water freezes. • When FROST-WAR is used, the freezing point of water in plant cells will be lower than the freezing point of the external environment. At the same me, when it is sprayed on the plant surface, a film layer will form on the plant and thus damages such as cracking, shrinkage and drying due to expansionwill not occur, regardless of climate. • The ingredients in FROST-WAR ac vate and regenerate cells, and provide resistance to adverse weather condi ons. • FROST-WAR balances intracellular pH and EC, and increases steroid hormonal ac on and genera on. It promotes bud forma on in fruit trees and vegetable groups. • FROST-WAR is a product that reduces the freezing point of water, enables cells to con nue their life ac vi es in cold environments, and delays the freezing of water and aqueous nutrients in plant cells. PROPERTIES BENEFITS Water Soluble Potass umOx de (K2O) %11 Water SolubleMagnes umOx de (MgO) %4 Water Soluble Sulphur Tr ox de (SO3) %12 FreeAm noAc d %1 Sal cyl cAc d %0,05