ceon | Product Catalog

114 ceon. com.t r FAYDALARI GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) BIO-REMEDY BIO-REMEDY is a mixed formula on of many plant extracts, including Sophora flavescens. It has systemic effects and causes poisoning of the diges ve system of pests. It is also highly effec ve in controllingMites (red andwhite spiders), thrips and other small pests. Matrine is a plant-based, natural, pollu on-free pes cide, belongs to a long-term green environmental protec on organic pes cide group. Pests cannot produce drug resistance to BIO-REMEDY: A er long-term applica on, it has been proven that the pest has no drug resistance effect on Matrine and does not interact with other pes cides. It has low toxicity and is free of residues and pollu on. Matrin is an excellent insec cidewith its “three-effects” role. It not only killsmites, but also has certain inhibi on for its killing effects on fungi. It has double pes cide and fer lizer efficacy. BIO-REMEDY increases crop resistance against adverse condi ons such as drought, frost and disease. PROPERTIES BENEFITS Total M xed Herbs Extract : 40% Organ c Matter: 8% Oxymatr ne: 1% Total Hum cAc d: 5% Organ c Polysacchar de: 1%