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120 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES AND BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSİS (w/w) RADIX-F This product is designed for FusariumWilt (vascular wilt fungal disease). Ac nomycetes arewell-knownbiocontrol agents against soil-borne pathogens. Ac nomycete has a close rela onship with the produc ve ac vi es and life of humans, about 70 percent of currently widely used an bio cs are produced by various ac nomycetes. Some ac nomycete species can produce different kinds of enzyme prepara ons (protease, amylase, cellulase, etc.), vitamin B12, organic acid, etc. Fusarium wilt is a soil-borne pathogen that a acks potato, tomato, eggplant and pepper plants. Disease fungi (Fusarium oxysporum) enter the plant from the roots and interfere with the water-conduc ng vessels of the plant. As the infec on spreads to the stems and leaves, water flow is restricted so the leaves wilt and turn yellow. Disease symptoms usually appear later in the growing season and are first no ced on lower (older) leaves. As the disease progresses, young leaves will be affected and eventually the plant will die. In most cases, only one branch or one side of the plant shows symptoms. Fusariumwilt can live in soil for years and is spread by water, insects and garden equipment. Fungal disease thrives in hot weather and is very destruc ve when soil temperatures approach 27˚C. Dry air and lowsoil moisture promote this plant disease. Ac nomycete is a group of prokaryotes. Most of them have developed branching hyphae. The hyphae are thin, broad, similar to rod-shaped bacteria, about 0.5-1 µm. They are a group of prokaryotes that are widely distributed in nature and reproduce mainly by spores. Gram tension is posi ve. Ac nomycete is widely distributed in nature. It is mostly found in soil, air and water as spores or hyphae. İt is especially found in neutral or alkaline soils which contains most kind of organisms and poor in water. Only a few varie es of ac nomycetes are aerobic bacteria. Therefore, abundant air must be present in the industrial fermenta on process that produces an bio cs; temperature is also effec ve for the growth of ac nomycete. The best growth temperatures of most ac nomycetes are between 23-37°C. Thermoac nomycete's best growing temperature is in the range of 50-65°C, many bacterial groups can survive well below the 20-23°C range, ac nomycete mycelium has greater drying resistance than vegeta ve bacteria. Many bacteria can survive for about a year and a half in the desiccator of CaCl2 and H2SO4. The Content Of Living Bacteria (Billion Cfu / G) : 10/20 The Fineness Of The Product (Particle Size) : 60-100 Moisture: 10%