ceon | Product Catalog
131 ceon. com.t r GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Total Nitrogen (N) %20 UREA Nitrogen (NH4-N) %18 Amonyum Azotu (NH2 %2 Neutral Ammonium Citrate And Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide %10 Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide %10 Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) %20 VENAGRO 20-10-20 VENAGRO SERIES USAGE AREA APPLICATION TIME FOLIAR 100 lt WATER TO SOIL greenhouse vegetables 3-4 app. from plan ng to harvest 300-400 GR 4-5 kg/da open field and winter vegetables 3-4 app. from plan ng to harvest 250-350 GR 3-4 kg/da melon, watermelon, zucchini 2-3 app. from plan ng to begining of ripening 250-350 GR 3-4 kg/da tuberous crops 2-3 app. from plan ng to begining of ripening 250-350 GR 3-4 kg/da strawberry 3-4 app. from vegeta ve development period to the harvest 300-600 GR 4-5 kg/da ornamentals with 21 days intervals a er flowering through season 300-600 GR 4-5 kg/da vineyard 3-4 applica on from pre-flowering to harvest 300-600 GR 4-5 kg/da or 300-400 gr vine banana 2-3 applica ons 30-45 days before birth 250-300 GR 2-3 kg/da or 300-400 gr/ tree pome and stone fruits nuts from flowering un l harvest with drip irriga on foliar applica on is a er fruit set from flowering un l harvest with drip irriga on foliar applica on is a er fruit set 450-500 GR 5-6 kg/da or 300-400 gr/tree fig, olive and citrus 450-500 GR 5-6 kg/da or 300-400 gr/tree ındustrial crops - oıl crops with 21 days intervals from first anchor during season 250-350 GR 3-4 kg/da legumes with 21 days intervals from first anchor during season 250-350 GR 3-4 kg/da field crops and peanut in the period of head in field crops. in forage crops, 10 days a er each cut 250-350 GR 3-4 kg/da
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