ceon | Product Catalog

16 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Organic Ma er %18 Total Nitrogen (N) %5 Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) %5 Water Soluabel Potassium Oxide (K2O) %15 Water Soluable Magnesium Oxide (MgO %2 Water Soluable Boron (B) %0,03 Water Soluable Copper (Cu) %0,03 Water Soluable Iron (Fe) %0,04 Water Soluable Manganese (Mn) %0,05 Water Soluable Zinc (Zn) %0,05 POTTASOL It is a special product that quickly responds to the potassium(K) need of plants.. Thanks to its special formula on, it is easily absorbed by plant roots in all stress condi ons (very hot, cold and salinity). When used in drip irriga on systems, nitrate (NO3) is nega vely charged to the (-) root zone and combineswith potassium(K) + to formpotassiumnitrate (KN03), which is carried along the roots. In foliar applica ons, with the help of enzymes and ac vators, it passes through the stomata easily and quickly tomeet the potassium(K) need. It directly affects fruit growth, color, quality and sugar content, thereby it increases the market value of the fruit. It prevents the deteriora on of fruit shapes and helps to standardize the fruit peel. There is no harm in overuse. Overdose is suitable for sudden growth. No burning.