ceon | Product Catalog

166 ceon. com.t r BENEFITS SOULMATE Mn-Zn SOULMATE Mn-Zn is a pure and highly concentrated liquid micronutrient fer lizer. Our product is a stable solu on and is recommended to be used from early spring un l fruit set. The high level of Manganese and Zinc in our formula improves photosynthesis and the development of new healthy roots, strong shoots and flower buds. SOULMATE Mn-Zn is a mixture of Manganese and Zinc in highly penetra ng liquid form especially for preven ve and cura ve control of simultaneous Zn and Mn deficiencies in all types of crops and soils. The synthesis process of the chemical reac on used ensures maximum preserva on of Manganese and Zinc. SOULMATEMn-Zn is adapted for fruit crops, especially citrus. SOULMATE Mn-Zn increases chlorophyll forma on in plants. This increases the produc on of nutrients, protein, sugar and organic acids. SOULMATEMn-Zn - when used before flowering, homogeneous flowering and fruit set occur. SOULMATEMn-Zn reduces the risk of premature fruit shedding. SOULMATEMn-Zn increases fruit qualitywhen used during fruit development. SOULMATE Mn-Zn increases the coloring, a rac veness and quality of fruits thanks to its special formula on.. GUARANTEEDCONTENT W / V Water SolubleManganese 4% Water Soluble Z nc 5% PROPERTIES