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172 ceon. com.t r GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) NUTRI TAB 18-8-10+(7,5 SO3) PROPERTIES • It s based on CEON's advanced technolog c system. N trogen, Phosphorus and Potass um are gradually made ava lable for plant uptake. It has a pos t ve effect on the pH of ac d c so ls. • İf the Tablet NUTRITAB ® fert l zers s appl ed correctly, t allows spot appl cat on guaranteded s gn ficantly better ut l zat on of the nutr ents requ red compared to other commonly appl ed complex fert l zers. • The release of nutr ents from NUTRITAB ® to the so l cont nues lasts from s x to 12 months, depend ng on local cl mat c cond t ons. • One of ts most mportant features s the usage effect what s benefic al for fert l z ng plants wh ch has a longer grow ng per od (perenn als) n naccess ble places or where convent onal fert l zat onmethods cannot be used. • They create an adequate supply of nutr ents n the so l or substrate w thout the r sk of undes rable ncreases n so l concentrat on and losses due to leakage. • The appl cat on s s mple and goal-or ented; It allows the use of nutr ents n the r ght dose and reduces neffic ent fert l zat on that root systems cannot reach. • The use of NUTRITAB® s gn ficantly saves t me, mater als and labor and reduces the need for add t onal fert l zat on. • The l m ted solub l ty of nutr ents and the r h gh uptake by plants prevent the r excess ve d ssolut on n so l and surface waters. • It prov des balanced plant growth. • It conta ns absolutely no chlor ne and sod um.NUTRITAB ® s also env ronmentally fr endly. The leak-proof propert es of the tablets protect groundwater frompollut on. • As t prov des a balanced and t mely feed ng, your plants w ll have stronger and developed roots and a healthy appearance. • The s mpl c ty of the pre-measured tablets guarantees un formand adequate fert l zat on. • Root zone placement el m nates feed ng rooted weeds on the surface. No surface res due to wash. • The slow and gradual effect of NUTRITAB® fert l zer s real zed by the DMPP nh b tor. • NUTRITAB ® Tablets can be successfully appl ed to newly establ shed cultures (EXAMPLE 1-4 year old forest trees) and seedl ngs n nurser es or so l n pots. NUTRITAB ® Tablets are des gned for use around potted and field-grown trees, shrubs, newly planted plants, lawns and other so l-grown crops. NUTRITAB ® are part cularly su ted for the plant ng of forest seedl ngs (espec ally on the areas affected by so l eros on em ss ons), ornamental and fru t-bear ng trees, bushes and flowers, v neyards, hop gardens, strawberry plants, raspberry, gooseberry and currant bushes, trees and bushes alongs de roads, plants on cult vated areas, etc. Start-fert l s ng effic ency s benefic al for the plant ng of trop cal and subtrop cal spec es, e.g., coconut and o l palms, ol ve trees, coffee, cocoa, tea, c truses, oranges, bananas, avocados, mangos, papayas, dates, eucalyptus, rubber, tung, shorea, tectona, p stach o, macadam a and cashew nuts, etc. • Also mportant s the econom c mpact of better seedl ng growth, shorter flower ng cycles and wood ncreases thanks to slow released Tablet Fert l zer. • Long-term nvest gat on of the mechan cal propert es of slow release fert l zer tablets has proven the r rel able durab l ty andm n mal abras ve wear n outdoor storage. Total N trogen (N) 18,6 NNO3-N trogen 7.1 NNH4-N trogen 11.5 neutral ammon um c trate and Water Soluble (P2O5) Phosphate 8,1 Water Soluble Potass umOx de (K2O) 10,1 Total Sulphur (S) (correspond to 7.5%SO3) 10,3