ceon | Product Catalog

174 ceon. com.t r BENEFITS VENAGRO COPPERTY VENAGRO COPPERTY is a plant nutri on product which is produced by using advanced technology. It contains high amounts of water-soluble copper as an ac ve substance. Copper is one of the oldest known an bacterial an fungal elements historically, such as sulfur and lime. When copper is less ac ve in soil, it does not form strong bonds. Thanks to foliar and soil applicabili es, VENAGRO COPPERTY has a healing effect on nega vi es caused by adverse condi ons. There is a strong rela onship between the sufficiency of copper in the soil and pH. Generally, the Cu level decreases at high pH values and in calcareous soils. Copper is strongly held by the organic ma er of the soil. Copper is also required for the forma on of chlorophyll. It takes part in various enzyme ac vi es in the soil, accelerates module forma on in symbio c nitrogen fixa on. It is an essen al micronutrient for many oxidizing reac ons.. Plants stay young longer because copper protects the chlorophyll from premature decomposi on. Therefore, it has a higher assimila on power. The forms of copper used to date are large-molecule compounds such as sulfates. The classically used copper compounds are surface effec ve (in other words, they are effec ve on contact) due to their different forms and sizes, and their molecular structures are large. Copper in these forms cannot penetrate the plant due to its size. Some forms of copper are known as semi-systema c and exert a local effect on plant ssues. However, VENAGRO COPPERTY is a newgenera on product that puts an end to all these nega vi es.. VENAGRO COPPERTY is not harmful to human health and is obtained by high technology, tribomechanical ac va on. Thanks to this technology, the element copper turns into small par cles. It is easily penetrated into the plant without using any chela ngmaterial ormethod. VENAGROCOPPERTY is systema cally effec ve and can be applied along all green parts and roots. VENAGRO COPPERTY is transported to all parts of the plant just a few hours a er inges on and allows protec ve and healing effects on the plant.. GUARANTEEDCONTENT W / V Soluble Copper nWater %5 PROPERTIES