ceon | Product Catalog

184 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS ARCHER ARCHER is the perfect condi oner for saline soils and waters. Salinity problems, called secondary saliniza on, occur when soluble salts are concentrated by irriga on in fer le soils. This phenomenon has been affec ng humanity since the beginning of the agricultural age, and there are historical records ofmigra ons resul ng fromsaliniza on of arable land. Salinity reduces the water poten al of the soil solu on, thus the availability of water reduces; affects growth and crop produc on by crea ng a nutrient imbalance due high concentra ons of elements (Na+, Cl–) that can interferewith cell metabolismandmineral nutri on. I t increases the ca on exchange capacity (CEC) thanks to the physical, chemical and biological characteris cs of the organic ma er it contains. CEC is the ability of a soil to retain ions, including nutrients. The higher the ca on exchange capacity, the more calcium the soil supports and improves its structure. Thanks to its 100% complex calcium, it removes the Sodium (Na +) ions of the clay-humic complex. Sodium is an ion that damages both the soil structure and the plant. Calcium has the capacity to move it, so it can then be washed out through leaching. ARCHER corrects the salinity of irriga on water in the same way as soil salinity. While we irrigate with water containing a high amount of calcium, the salts will be compensated we have added to the soil with water, the problems associated with the increase in salinitywill be avoided.. GUARANTEEDANALYSIS (W/V) Total N trogen (N) : 4% Water-Soluble Calc umOx de (CaO) : 10% Calc umOx de (CaO) complexedW th l gnosulphonate : 10%