ceon | Product Catalog

186 ceon. com.t r ARCHER ACİD The product consists en rely of acid complex and phytonutrients. The pH values of drilling and river waters are generally alkaline. The solu ons used in this type of water have a short-term effect and may become stale. ARCHERACID is a pH regulator that eliminates such adverse condi ons in alkaline and hardwaters; It is a salinity preventer and salinity reducer in soil. Salinity (sodium) problems arise over me due to the natural structure of soils, long-term agricultural ac vi es, irriga on water, used plant nutrients, etc. The salinity problem reaches its maximum level with the appearance of white salt crystals on the soil surface. Excessive salinity problems are the biggest threats to agricultural produc on. ARCHER ACID is used as a desalina on or soil condi oner in soils with salinity problems. The best way to combat salinity (sodium) is to replace the sodium element with the calcium element to release the sodium and eventually move it downwards so that it is removed from the soil surface. The polyhydroxy carboxylic acids in ARCHERACIDare the best exchange carriers andARCHERACID is the perfect soil condi oner for saline soils.. How is soil salinity formed? Increased soil salinity levels can greatly affect plant growth and produc on. Some soils are naturally high in salt. However, most of the salinity problems at farms are exacerbated by improper agricultural prac ces. In arid regions of the country, irriga on water can create salinity in soils. Also, the use of fer lizers containing salt increases the salinity level much more if there is not enough rain to wash the soils, or high salinity levels can occur in high tunnel produc on where the soils are not exposed to air. The electrical conduc vity of soil or irriga onwater is used to test salinity levels. This is usuallymeasured inDeci Siemens permeter (dS/m), and the higher the number, the higher the salinity. ARCHER ACID is a powerful desalinator, soil condi oner and bioac vator. The new and effec ve formula contains amino carboxylic acid complexes and is recommended for agricultural soils where there has been salinity problems. Soil salts reduce nutrient availability in the soil and adversely affect op mum growing condi ons. The effec veness of fer lizers and growth regulators depends on soil condi ons, water and nutrient holding capacity, and pH levels. ARCHERACID is designed to reduce salinity and improve soil proper es to achieve maximum fer lizer efficiency, higher yield poten al, be er root growth and higher crop quality. ARCHER ACID extends the effec ve me of fer lizers. It reveals all the elements in the soil, regulates the soil structure andmakes the environment nutri ous for the plant. ARCHER ACID is ecological due to its content and is so ly soluble in nature. It reduces the hardness of the water. It dissolves all macro and micro elements, especially calcium bound to the soil. It prevents clogging and algae forma on in drip irriga on pipes. So ens water for pes cide solu on prepara on. Increases soil pores. ARCHER ACID is quickly absorbed by the plants, and the plants show a healthy growth. It op mally regulates the EC of the soil and water. Effec vely increases fer lizer availabilitywhen appliedwith fer lizers . GUARANTEEDANALYSIS (W/V) Polymale cAc d : 28% PROPERTIES BENEFITS