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190 ceon. com.t r SC-55 HOWDOES SC-55WORK INSOIL? SC-55 is a commercial anionic soil condi oning agent that affects changes in surface tension of hygroscopic (bound) water in soil in a similar way to the way of a we ng agent acts on surface water, but with significantly different results. The ionic nature of soils, especially clays, and the polarized molecular structure of water result in very strongly bound (hygroscopic) water in the soil system. It is the strength of soil-water adhesion that leads to soil compac on resul ng in poor water infiltra on, low total water holding capacity, reduced soil aera on and high landslide strength. SC-55 provides long-term improvements in each of these soil proper es by penetra ng ver cal depths of three to four feet (more than 1 meter) and ac ng on bound water (as opposed to we ng agents that act on surface water). One of the most easily observed results of SC-55 applica on is an improved water infiltra on rate. The SC-55 prepares the soil for much deeper and faster water flow by breaking down the adhesion that makes the soil compacted to hard structures, especially a layer of hardpan. Increased water penetra on results in less runoff, evapora on and standing water in previously wet areas. A related benefit of SC-55 applica on is the increase inwater holding capacity. By releasing some of the boundwater to act as free water in the soil, the total water available for plant use is increased. Thus, water efficiency is increased and the need for irriga on is reduced both in quan ty and frequency. Deteriora on of adhesion in soil structures creates a more open, be er aerated soil profile. As a result, cul vated soil is more oxygenated and sustains an increased biological community. The tangible effects of these benefits are observed as increased fer lizer yield and humus development.. Finally, the dispersion of compac on in the soil causes a decrease in the shear strength of the soil. The forces required for plant roots to penetrate the soil are thus reduced, this results in deeper and more uniform growth. Crus ng and earth clod are reduced. Ease of llage is provided. Because the soil itself changes, the results are much longer las ng than those achievedwith surfacewater surfactants. The benefits are evident at the first irriga on or rainfall and may con nue for up to fourteen months before addi onal applica ons are required. The immediate and long-las ng benefits of the SC-55 make applica ons both economical and effec ve as part of a successful farming program. HOWDOES SC-55WORK? All agricultural soils contain colloids (soil par cles), and the colloids are strongly nega vely charged. Therefore, colloids a ract and retain all posi vely charged elements, such as the hydrogen component of water. Colloids eventually become the main part of the compression zone; as a result, any water applied will be almost locked in place in the area. This will prevent further applied water fromentering subsoils. This phenomenon is called “soil-bound water”. When SC-55 is sprayed into the soil, it exchanges or releases bound hydrogen, which allows the colloid par cles tomove together in the soil. The result is the crea on of addi onal micropores (voids) that allowwater tomove by gravity towards the soil below the compac on zone.. WHAT CANTHE SC-55DOTOREDUCE PROBLEMS? *SC-55 has the ability to work in the soil with applied water and help that water penetrate to subsoil from the compac on zone. *SC-55will increase the amount and size ofmicroporous voids (Air) in the soil, including the compac on zone. *Inwet seasons, soils treatedwith SC-55will absorbwatermore easily and therefore erosionwill be reduced. *In dry seasons, since pore spaces are created by the SC-55 process, the water that SC-55 lowers into the subsoil can move upwards to the root systems by capillary ac on. This capillary ac onwill therefore relieve plant stress. *SC-55 treated soils allow roots to grow towards the healing compac on zone which means healthier and stronger plants that can producemore crops. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (W/V) Ammonium Laureth Sulphate 55% PROPERTIES AND BENEFITS