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196 ceon. com.t r SMARTER SMARTER is a super diffuser belonging to the next genera on organic silicon group containing trisiloxane alkoxylates (TSA). Compared to conven onal diffuser, it reduces surface tensionmuchmore, ensures a be er and more homogeneous distribu on of pes cides and fer lizers, thus it improves performance. In addi on, it helps products applied at various stages of development to penetrate hard- to-reach parts of the plant, thus it ensures be er coa ng. Pes cides and fer lizers in the mixture with SMARTER show a homogeneous spread on leaves and fruits, it prevents the staining problem caused by tradi onal products. It avoids the lens effect caused by undispersed water drops, thus it avoids the burn problem caused by tradi onal diffuser binders. Thanks to its rain wash resistance, SMARTER reduces costs caused by repeated applica ons. SMARTER does not leave any residue on the plant surface or fruit. It does not harm the user, the environment and natural life. Since it does not contain solvent, it does not cause toxic effects on the plant. SMARTER reduces surface tension and provides excep onal spread. It also provides excellent adhesion. It prevents washing and provides be er performance with smaller dosages. SMARTER increases the effec veness of agrochemicals, increases the efficiency of fer lizers and plant growth regulators. To get the maximum benefit from pes cides and fer lizers, SMARTER should be mixed with a sufficient amount of water. SMARTER reduces the liquid surface tension of water for spraying and fer lizing. This allows pes cides, fer lizers and growth regulators to diffuse and be er seal the plant's leaf surface. SMARTER is resistant to washing the leaf surface due to rain, sprinkling, dew, etc. In this way, the repe ve cost of spraying is avoided. SMARTER ensures that pes cides, phytonutrients and growth regulators remain on the leaf surface during foliar applica ons. SMARTER prevents the lens effect thatmay occur due to covering the surface of the leaf. SMARTER does not allow foaming in the spraywater. EFFECTSOF SMARTER Increases surface tension in liquids. Increases the surface coverage. It increases adhesion and allows pes cides to penetrate the plant. It provides easier andmore comprehensive coa ng onwet surfaces It is not ionic. GUARANTEEDANALYSIS (W/V) Organ c S l coneAdjuvant 100% (Polyether-Polymethyls loxane-Copolymer 100%) PROPERTIES BENEFITS