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22 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) NEO-KALIUM 5-0-15+ME NEO-KALIUM 5-0-15 is a liquid fer lizer that can be applied to the soil using any irriga on system. Likewise, its effec ve nitrogen and potassium content makes it effec ve for foliar applica on. Potassium has cri cally important metabolic, physiological and biochemical func ons on plants. Potassium aids in enzyme ac vity, photosynthesis, and the transport of plant nutrients and photosynthesis products. It increases protein coverage, regulates turgor and prevents plants from drying out and wil ng. NEO-KALIUM 5-0-15 posi vely affects the growth and root development of plants, increases resistance to cold, provides crop earliness, increases nitrogen yield, and posi vely affects resistance against diseases and pests. Thanks to these ac vi es, potassium has a posi ve and significant effect on product quan es. Foliar fer liza on is important for a full and efficient nutri on. In these condi ons, the applica on of NEO-KALIUM 5-0-15 to the leaf is an efficient solu on. NEO-KALIUM 5-0-15 gives good results shortly a er applica on and Since it is 100% soluble, it provides fast and no ceable nutri on. It does not cause clogging problems in fer liza on mechaniza on systems. NEO-KALIUM5-0-15 contains Nitrogen and Potassium in an ideal formand in propor ons desired by plants. NEO-KALIUM 5-0-15, when used during vegeta ve development in annual and perennial plants, provides shortening of the nodes and thickening of the stem. NEO-KALIUM 5-0-15 can be used safely in the periods when the plant is developing, the nodes appear and the fruits are colored. NEO-KALIUM5-0-15 is an excellent formula on that can be applied both to soil and to foliar. Total Nitrogen 5% Urea Nitrogen 5% Water Soluble Potassium 15% Water SolubleManganese 0.01% Water Soluble Boron 0.01% Water-Soluble Copper 0.004% Water SolubleMolybdenum 0.004% Water Soluble Zinc 0.004%