ceon | Product Catalog

24 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) NEO PHOSPHORO 5-15-0+ME NEO-PHOSPHORO 5-15-0 can rapidly s mulate plant growth hormones (auxin and cytokine) due to the ideal combina on of nitrogen and phosphorus. NEO-PHOSPHORO 5-15-0 acts as a roo ng and an -stress product. Thanks to the technology used, the chemical structure of phosphorus has been minimized and enriched with organic acids, thus the efficiency of the product are increased. NEO-PHOSPHORO 5-15-0 accelerates pollina on, is effec ve in the transfer of carbohydrates in plant metabolism and promotes flowering in the plant. This product increases the number of flowering and fruit set. NEO-PHOSPHORO5-15-0 is highly absorbed by plants due to its high content of amino acids, organic acids and vitamins. Its effec veness is observed in a short me. NEO-PHOSPHORO 5-15-0 regulates soil salinity and pH. As it is a lowpH product, it provides the best results even in alkaline soils. During the flowering period, when the demand for nitrogen and phosphorus is high, this fer lizer provides nutrients as well as the need for phosphorus to the plant . It is an effec ve source of phosphorus that balances the pH in the root zone. It does not cause blockages in drip irriga on systems and supports root development and flowering in all applied plants. It is a liquid fer lizer which has an acidic character and a high instantaneously effec ve phosphoric source. NEO-PHOSPHORO 5-15-0 contains nitrogen and phosphorus in the most ideal form in the propor ons needed by plants. NEO-PHOSPHORO 5-15-0 provides shortening of internodes and thickening of the stem when used during vegeta ve development in annual and perennial plants. NEO-PHOSPHORO5-15-0 increases root volume andweight. It improves the nutri onal status of the plant by increasing the root surface. NEO-PHOSPHORO 5-15-0 is used when you want to promote roo ng, shorten the nodes and ensure the transi on of the plant to produc vity (flowering and fruit set). NEO-PHOSPHORO5-15-0 has an excellent formula on that can be applied both to soil and to foliar. Total Nitrogen 5% Urea Nitrogen 5% Water Soluble Phosphor Penta Oxide 15% Water SolubleManganese 0.01% Water Soluble Boron 0.01% Water Soluble Copper 0.004% Water SolubleMolybdenum 0.004% Water Soluble Zinc 0.004%