ceon | Product Catalog

28 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Organic Ma er %45 Alginic Acid %2 Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) %4 Maximum EC 25.1 dS/m ALGAFLEX-SD ALGAFLEX-SD is a natural organic nutrient containing organic substances naturally found in plants, alginic acids, amino acids, various nutri onal elements. All these substances are directly related to plant health, nutri on and the quality of the product. The ac ve ingredient of ALGAFLEX-SD acts together with other plant growth regulators, thus promotes cell ac vi es and protein synthesis. It does not pollute the environment, is not phytotoxic, can be mixed with plant produc on products, is systemic and is taken up by the plant in a short me.. I t promotes healthy root and capillary root development, increases the transmission and availability of plant nutrients and water in the plant, and helps plants to develop regularly in all developmental periods. It promotes increased produc on of sugars, proteins and organic acids necessary for healthy plant growth. It helps to stabilize cell membranes, proteins and chlorophylls in the plant, thus delaying aging. It helps, facilitates and encourages the produc on of protec ve proteins of the plant. It helps to increase the resistance of the plant to adverse environmental condi ons. Thanks to ALGAFLEX-SD, with the increase of photosynthesis, plant sugar produc on required for maximum fruit set and early development increases. The increasing of yield and quality improvement are observed through the nutrients and other natural plant growth regulators of ALGAFLEX-SD increase cell ac vi es. ALGAFLEX-SD promotes the forma on of an oxidants that prevent the deteriora on of plant ssues and thus increases the shelf life of fruits. It delays post-harvest deteriora on and deteriora on on the branch, and reduces losses, thus increasing the yield of the product. ALGAFLEX-SD increases the water holding capacity of the plant cell by increasing the osmo c poten al of the plant cell. In this way, it helps to obtain higher quality products in terms of fruit size, color, shape and uniformity. ALGAFLEX-SD strengthens plant defensemechanisms