ceon | Product Catalog

ceon. com.t r For a better world... H gh qual ty products, bount ful crops, fert le so l... As CEON Kimya Tarım Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirke , we are a global company that uses modern chemistry professionally in the produc on process with a future approach within the framework of sustainable agriculture principles. We produce unique eco-friendly plant nutri on products that ensure quality and reliable crops while improving the soil's structure and balancing its composi on. Our products naturally support the life process of the plant. We enable plants to strengthen, develop and grow by using their own natural defenses against diseases, pests or various adverse factors such as harsh clima c condi ons. We have the knowledge, skills, technology and system necessary to become the leading global company of the sector in the world and to brand the Turkish product in the world with its originality and quality. By carefully analyzing the needs and problems of our customers, we are able to find economically and technologically innova ve solu ons. We make a great contribu on to the improvement of world agriculture by offering our rich product por olio, which includes the best quality substances with high performance, developed by CEON scien sts over the years, to the service of world and Turkish farmers. In our produc on facility, which serves in accordance with interna onal environmental, health and safety standards, we manage our produc on processes with a service to nature approach adhering to the principles of sustainability. While increasing efficiency and reducing costs with a ra onal and modern produc on system, we contribute to the compe ve power of our country with our quality products, our increasing export volume and economic benefit we provide in the agricultural sector.. With our comprehensive product por olio suitable for every need, we are one of the leading facili es with the widest product range in the plant nutri on sector. In our produc on facility with the highest capacity in the region, we have the opportunity to produce and package different products at the same me with our comprehensive machine system. We subject every stage of produc on to quality control with advanced laboratory analysis. Our R&D center and laboratory prepare the most beneficial plant nutri on recipes by conduc ng research and development projects on soil health and nutrient management techniques using data science, modern chemistry and agricultural technologies in line with the needs and expecta ons of our customers around the world. With this produc on process focused on crea ng added value and emphasizing a high performance culture, we responsiblymeet the needs of not only our country's farmers, but also all over theworld. On the other hand, by carrying out the ac vi es of classifica on, processing, analysis and publica on of the informa on obtained from agricultural researches, we make efforts to improve agricultural produc on techniques through educa on, to increase efficiency and income in produc on, and to raise social and educa onal levels. Thus, we draw the a en on of agriculturalists to universal and regional agricultural problemareas and help them see these problems, we provide informa on on how to solve problems, and we contribute to improving their ability to form ideas and make decisions by helping agriculturalists make the right choices. In line with these studies, we strive to establish universal human and social rela ons by feeding the agriculturalists of our country and theworldwith science. With the awareness of fulfilling our responsibili es towards today's people and future genera ons, it is our duty to act environmentally sensi ve for Turkey and theworld and to spread this knowledge.