ceon | Product Catalog

30 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Organic Ma er %80 Organic Carbon (C) %20 Organic Nitrogen (N) %10 Free Amino Acid %40 CE-FORCE ALPHA ALPHA is a water-soluble organic fer lizer containing 40% free amino acids of completely vegetable origin. Amino acids are simple molecules formed from the breakdown of proteins. They have a complex structure consis ng of chains. All amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. L-Free amino acids are very important for plants. It is obtained by hydrolysis of soybean and contains 5% organic nitrogen. Since they are of plant origin, their absorp on by agricultural products is very easy and fast. ALPHA accelerates plant metabolismby increasing the amount of chlorophyll and increases its yield. This fer lizer can be applied directly from the foliage, irriga on or as a base fer lizer. In soil applica ons (drip irriga on systems), it helps the plant to warm up in winter and makes the plant more resistant to environmental stress condi ons. CE-FORCE ALPHA chelates soil nutrients, s mulates root growth, strengthens and improves the root of the crop. It increases efficiency due to its high impact. CE-FORCE ALPHA promotes accelera on of growth, provides a be er and healthier root systemand provides the plant with a be er recovery process a er stress. CE-FORCE ALPHA suppresses soil-borne diseases by improving environmental micro-impact areas. Mixing CE-FORCE ALPHAwith inorganic fer lizer significantly increases the synergy of nutrients and yields. In long-term applica ons, soil compac on is removed, nutrients are preserved and water holding capacity increases. CE-FORCE ALPHA iswidely used in organic farming since it does not pollute the ecological system.