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32 ceon. com.t r ÖZELLİKLERİ BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Total Organic Ma er %85 Organic Carbon (C) %20 Total Nitrogen (N) %13 Amino Nitrogen %13 CE – FORCE ALPHA PLUS It is a 100% vegetable originated pure organic compound, formed as a result of hydrolysis of natural protein. Amino acids are simple molecules formed from the breakdown of proteins. All amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The free and total amino acids (the "building blocks" and organic molecules that make up proteins) in CE-FORCE ALPHA PLUS consist of a balanced amino acid composi on and form the natural origins of CE-FORCE ALPHA PLUS. According to High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis, almost all amino acids are present in free form. Among them, L-Free amino acids are very important for plants. İt is obtained by hydrolysis of soybean. Since they are of vegetable origin, plants very easyly and fastly absorb them. By increasing the amount of chlorophyll, ALPHA PLUS accelerates plant metabolism and increases its yield. In soil applica ons (drip irriga on systems), it helps the plant to warm up in winter and makes the plant more resistant to environmental stress condi ons.. PROPERTIES CE-FORCE ALPHA PLUS is suitable for soil and leaf applica on. However, we recommend foliar applica on especially to s mulate the plant and reduce plant stress. The biological s mula ng effect occurs thanks to the small molecular structure of the amino acids in the product. In fact, all molecules of CE-FORCE ALPHA PLUS are smaller than 800 Daltons (1.32 Gr.) which is the atomic mass limit for molecules to pass through plant leaf stomata. Free amino acids absorbed by plant leaves and ssues rapidly increase the vegeta ve ac vity of plants, stress resistance and quality of agricultural produc on. Foliar applica on of exogenous (extrinsic) amino acids is very beneficial under adverse environmental condi ons (transport, cold, salinity, drought and hail), this helps the plant saves energy used for synthesis and transloca on of endogenous (intrinsic) amino acids. Par cularly noteworthy in the context of stress reduc on is the use of CE-FORCE ALPHA PLUS with the most commonly used fungicides, herbicides and insec cides as an effec ve support for the healing of plants a er treatment. Beyond its posi ve effects on the vegeta ve development and stress reduc on of the plant, CE- FORCE ALPHA PLUS amino acids interact with macro and micro elements that increase their absorp on. The chela ng effect of some amino acids (glycine as an example) allows microelements such as magnesium, iron, zinc and boron to bind ("bond") with amino acids, form a metal complex and be more easily assimilated by the plant. The free amino acids of CE-FORCE ALPHA PLUS can rapidly transport and bindmicronutrients from plant cells to the area of use, as well as overcome the chemical and physical barriers of the leaf cu cle, cell wall and lympha c system. The result is higher efficiency of micronutrient applica ons and lower microelement fer lizer applica on dose. The higher the content of free amino acids in the compound, the higher themicronutrient processing efficiency.