ceon | Product Catalog

34 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Total Organic Ma er %15 Organic Carbon (C) %6 Organic Nitrogen (N) %1 Free Amino Acid %10 Water Soluble Potassium Oxide(K2O) %3 Water Soluable Iron (Fe) %0,03 Water Soluable Manganese (Mn) %0,02 Water soluable Molybdenum %0,2 Water Soluable Zinc (Zn) %0,05 CE-FORCE AMINO CE-FORCE AMINO is an organic bios mulant containing 10% free amino acids, pep des and various micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn and Mo). CE-FORCE AMINO acts as an organic chelate by being quickly absorbed fromthe leaves and transferred to the plant ssues. They also support the recovery of the plant during abio c or bio c stress and give the most important micronutrients to plant. CE-FORCE AMINO is rapidly absorbed and metabolized immediately. It is a liquid amino acid fer lizer combined with microelements that promotes vegeta ve growth, nutri on, plant ssue regenera on etc. CE-FORCE AMINO provides the maximum amount of free L-amino acids of vegetable origin. The L configura on facilitates rapid recovery of the plant a er cri cal or stress situa ons, as it does not have to use extra amounts in amino acid synthesis..