ceon | Product Catalog

36 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Total Organic Ma er %20 Organic Carbon %10 Water Soluable Potassium Oxide %2 pH range 4,1-6,1 CE-FORCE SIGMA Humic compounds are specially formulated and applied to soil substances that create these 3 effects: Forma on of stable compounds in the soil with Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn or Mn elements. Forma on of macropolymers with phosphorus in the soil. As the Organic Ma er decomposes, they will slowly re- dissolve and the phosphorus molecules will loosen, thus the soil's ion exchange capacity will increase. All these proper es will cooperate with the process of movement of the assimilable or par ally assimilable elements of the soil aswell as the op mal use of the fer lizers used. SIGMA is a special product obtained from moist plants and natural plant-derived amino acids. At the end of the experimental trials and applica ons, the product was put on themarket. SIGMA increases themicrobial ac vity in the soil and improves the biological structure. It increases the water holding capacity of ca on exchange and improves the physical structure of the soil. Thanks to its special content, the plant responds by increasing its growth and development throughout the season. SIGMAdirectly increases hairy root forma on in plants, increases the root surface. SIGMA has a special formula on that improves the soil with its chemical and physical structure. If the soil is insufficient, organicma er can be used safely throughout all seasons to increase produc vity and quality. SIGMA applied products react in a very short growth and development period. .