ceon | Product Catalog

46 ceon. com.t r ÖZELLİKLERİ BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Total Organic Ma er %20 Organic Carbon (C) %8 Total Nitrogen (N) %1,5 Water Soluable Potassium Oxide (K2O) %3,5 Total Hümic and Fülvic Acid %20 Hümic Acid %5 Fülvic Acid %15 OURLEX All of the ngred ents that make up the content of CE-FORCEOURLEX are of vegetable or g n. Phys cal methods are used n all product on stages and no chem cal methods are used dur ng product on. CE-FORCE OURLEX conta ns all the elements that plants and so l need, espec ally trace elements that are essent al for plants. When used, CE-FORCE OURLEX ncreases the effect veness of all supplementary products and other fert l zers appl ed from seed or seedl ng plant ng. It mproves so l degradat on caused by overuse of chem cals. It s a un que organ c fert l zer that can restore the v tal ty and nutr t onal funct onal ty of the so l n a short t me. Wh le the organ c matter level t conta ns prov des h gher product v ty n the so l, ts r ch nutr ent content helps the plants to be fed n a balanced and regular manner. It ncreases the levels of organ c matter n the so l, wh ch s v tal for the surv val of the ben gn m croorgan sms l v ng n the so l. The so l cond t on ng effect d ssolves prev ously appl ed chem cal fert l zers and converts them nto a form that plants can eas ly absorb. PROPERTIES CE-FORCE OURLEX affects the growth and development of the crops in a very short me. It can be applied safely to th plants in any period. CE-FORCEOURLEX responds to the needs of the plant due to its special content. CE-FORCEOURLEX directly and indirectly increases the forma on of hairy roots in plants. CE-FORCE OURLEX improves the chemical and physical structure of the soil thanks to its special formula on..