ceon | Product Catalog

58 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GARANTİ EDİLEN İÇERİK (w/w) Water Soluable Boronr (B) %8 Water Soluable Manganese (Mn) EDTA %1 Water Soluable Zinc (Zn) EDTA %5 BORMIX BOR MIX is a chemical combina on of major chelated microelements; It is specially produced for op mum fer liza on that will provide op mum nutri on, offers a balanced and fast response, allows op mumcrop development. BOR-MIX is amixture of powdermicroelements specially prepared for the preven on and elimina on of boron andmanymicro element deficiencies in plants. BOR-MIX promotes pollina on forma on. BOR-MIX increases homogeneous fruit set when used before flowering. When used during the fruit development period, fruit quality increases. BOR-MIX iswell suited for post-harvest applica ons in perennial crops. Thanks to its special formula on, BOR-MIX increases the colora on, sales appeal and quality of fruits. BOR-MIX can be used safelywith plant protec on products, fer lizers and plant growth regulators.