ceon | Product Catalog

62 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED CONTENT (w/w) CE FORCE CALNIT CALNIT is a calcium nitrate solu on enriched with bioac vators and amino acids. The nitrogen in calcium nitrate is ready for use by plants. This provides an immediate and predictable development response. Calciumprevents plant disorders such as bi er pit in apples, blossomend rot in tomatoes and red peppers, and tuber cavi es in cruciferous vegetables. It also helps to prevent p burns in le uce. Calcium is an essen al nutrient for the development of all plant ssues and provides a longer shelf life for all hor cultural crops. CE-FORCE CALNIT will allow you to obtain healthier and longer-las ng crops with improved appearance. CE-FORCE CALNIT is a special product designed to eliminate calciumdeficiency in all kinds of crops. CE-FORCE CALNIT applica on should be repeated at intervals of 15-20 days as long as above-ground organ systemac vity and vegeta ve growth con nue. CE-FORCE CALNIT penetrates very quickly thanks to its special formula on (plant-derived amino acids and bio-ac vators). CE-FORCE CALNIT allows thickening of the cell wall in the plants used. It reduces the risk of fruit cracking, extends storage and shelf life. CE-FORCE CALNIT can be applied on leaves aswell as on soil safely. CE-FORCE CALNIT prevents bi er spot and blossom end rot when used before signs of calcium deficiency appear. Total N trogen 8% N trate N trogen 8% Water Soluble Calc umOx de 15% Plant Der vat ve B o-Act vators 3% Plant Der vat ve FreeAm noAc d 5%