ceon | Product Catalog

66 ceon. com.t r BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Water Soluable Manganese (Mn) %25 CE FORCE FULLMAN Most uses of CE-FORCE FULLMAN are for its oxidizing proper es. It is a strong oxidant that does not produce toxic by-products, therefore; *CE-FORCE FULLMANhasmany specific uses. *CE-FORCE FULLMAN is helpful for controlling a number of diseases in plants. *CE-FORCE FULLMAN plays an effec ve role in the destruc on of disease spores hidden in the soil by wai ng for rain or suitable condi ons tomigrate to the leaves. *CE-FORCE FULLMAN is awater-solublemanganese sourcewith high efficiency and absorbability. It is chelated with carboxylic groups. The carboxylic group acid used as a chela ng agent facilitates manganese transfusion in plant metabolism, and also regulates the pH in the rhizosphere, thus the usefulness increases. In addi on, free carboxylic groups are excellent chela ng agents. The total ion exchange capacity of the carboxylic acid is very high. Since they do not experience any degrada on problems due to pH changes, carboxylic groups do not harm any microbial ac vity in the soil, on the contrary, they support these ac vi es. The carboxylic groups of chela ng agents do not have stability problemswithmicrobial ac vi es and pH levels. Its high absorp on rate in plants makes CE-FORCE FULLMAN very suitable for soil and foliar applica ons.. CE-FORCE FULLMAN increases the forma on of chlorophyll. CE-FORCE FULLMANplays an important role in increasing fruit color, increasing oil content, increasing dryma er (brix), increasing anthocyanin (aroma c proper es). CE-FORCE FULLMANprolongs the storage and shelf life of fruits. PROPERTIES