ceon | Product Catalog

FAYDALARI 82 ceon. com.t r GUARANTEED CONTENT (w/w) Water Soluable Zinc (Zn) %6 Sulphur(S) %3 CE FORCE ZINC It is a zinc sulfate solu on used to eliminate and prevent zinc deficiency in a wide variety of agricultural products. CE-FORCE ZINC is a complex micronutrient designed to penetrate the leaf and woody ssue when applied to the leaf. Once applied to the soil, it is ready for rapid uptake. The complexing agent for CE-FORCE ZINC is a natural organic Lignin. Most micronutrient deficiencies occur during periods of rapid growth or stress. Administra on of nutrients to correct low levels should be performed before visual symptoms appear if one can predict a deficiency or soon a er a problem has been iden fied. CE-FORCE ZINC, with its amino acid chelated formula, makes it possible to obtain a highly concentrated and chemically pure product that can enhance the biochemical func ons of zinc, especially photosynthesis. The presence of special bonding agents and adhesives ensures that the en re leaf surface is covered, absorp on ability of the stomata and the cu cle are increased, the elements to be "transported" quickly within the ssue are allowed. The natural molecular structure of this formula is able to go beyond the barriers created by the outer surface of the cells, which also prevent the penetra on of tradi onal chelates. CE-FORCE ZINC, apart from correc ng zinc deficiencies, s mulates the produc on of auxin and thus helps the growth of cells andmatura on of seeds. CE-FORCE ZINC helpswith irregulari es caused by zinc deficiency thanks to its special structure. CE-FORCE ZINC is ideal for the soil-based organ system development period, pre-flowering and fruit growth periods of plantswhich has high zinc needs. CE-FORCE ZINC increases organ system ac vi es and re-sprou ng. It can be used safely to plants in which growth stagna on is observed. CE-FORCE ZINC increases fruit yield homogeneously when used before flowering. When used during fruit development period, fruit size and quality increase. CE-FORCE ZINC increases the yield in grains. CE-FORCE ZINC provides rejuvena on in plants, especially when used during periods of premature aging. CE-FORCE ZINC can be applied safely to the soil and can also be applied to the leaves. CE-FORCE ZINC can be used safelywith plant protec on products and plant growth regulators.. PROPERTIES BENEFITS