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88 ceon. com.t r BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Total Calcium Oxide (CaO) %35 Par cle Size <30 µm EUROVIT EUROvit STANDARD® SCIENCE MECHANISM 1: EUROvit STANDARD® is an excellent foliar fer liser, consists of (CA, Mg) CO3 supplemented by numerous important micro-nutrients. It is produced by milling natural limestone in special mills down to a par cle diameter < 10 μ. Spraying the aqueous solu on (0.5 %) of this very fine, tribodynamic ac vated powder, on the foliage, the EUROvit STANDARD® par cles penetrate partly directly through the stomata of the leaves into the intercellular compartment. The rest remains as a film on the leaves surface. The Mechanism of EUROvit STANDARD® ac on as a fer liser is s ll not totally clear. Very probably it is due to supplying the plants with CO2 in much higher concentra ons than that in the atmosphere and so enabling the photosynthesis to take place with a much higher degree, leading to a stronger natural growth and increasing yield. Fur- thermore, the supplements of the different trace elements increasing the enzyma c ac vity should also play a role in this process. The release of CO2 in the intercellular compartment is probably due to the docking of the EUROvit STANDARD® par cles having a nega vely charged surface (as a result of the tribodynamic ac va on) on the cell membrane, forming a nega ve electrosta c poten al which a racts the protons formed inside the cell due to the water spli ng in the first light reac on of the photosynthesis. The protons pass the membrane, dock on the nega ve charged CO3 – groups of the EUROvit STANDARD® forming intermediary H2CO3which decomposes to CO2 andH2O. MECHANISM 2: It is a very important mechanism. At night the leaves are covered with dew water. At the same me the plants burn carbon hydrates in darkness to cover their energy need and produce CO2 + H2O. This Carbon dioxide (in addi on to that in the atmosphere) + H2O (from the dew addi onally produced) converts the carbonate in EUROvit STANDARD® into Hydrogen carbonate according to: (CA, Mg)CO3 + H2O + CO2 (CA, Mg)(HCO3)2. During the day the temperature rises gradually, and the equilibrium reac on is shi ed to the le - hand side (due to evapora on of water) developing CO2 from the Hydrogen carbonate. In that way EUROvit STANDARD® is ac ng as quasi cataly c depot supplying permanent CO2 at high concentra ons right at the surface of the leaves. Increases the y eld and mproves qual ty and storage propert es of crop espec ally when plants are suffer ng under stress s tuat ons. Accelerates the qual ty of growth and ntens fies the harvest colour and shelf l fe. Reduces water requ rements due to h gher drought tolerance. Enhances plant res stance aga nst drought, frost, nsects and fung . Enhances the supply of essent al trace elements to plants. Metabol zat on of Mg nform ng Chlorophyll ncreases the degree of photosynthes s, Recommended by European Commun ty for organ c farm ng accord ng to EC Regulat on of 834/2007 & 889/2008 EUROv t STANDARD® part cles are smaller than 10 μ m and can be absorbed d rectly through the stomata of the plant's fol age. PROPERTIES