ceon | Product Catalog

94 ceon. com.t r PROPERTIES BENEFITS GUARANTEED ANALYSIS (w/w) Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5) 40% Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) 40% HELEN HELEN is the “TrojanHorse” of your crops. Our product is designed for nocturnal photosynthesis, spring me cloudy weather and cool temperate climateswhere plants need extra strength and growth. HELENdoes not contain fillers and dyes. HELEN is 100% soluble even in cold water. Since HELEN does not absorb moisture, it does not cause calcifica on. The amount of Na and Cl inHELEN is negligibly low. HELENhas high solubility and absorbability capacity. HELEN can be safely applied to leaves. HELENdoes not cause sediment and clogging in the drip system. HELENdoes not cause saliniza on in the soil. Its quality and purity are high. HELEN is in the formof white powder and consists of nanopar cles in terms of formula on. HELEN s a spec al fert l zer conta n ng very h gh rates of essent al nutr ents among fully water- soluble fert l zers. HELEN s su table for ntens ve agr cultural appl cat ons that requ re ntens ve fert l zat on HELEN s themost su table source of Phosphorus and Potass um, HELEN has h gh absorbab l ty through plant roots even under harsh cond t ons. HELEN can be safely appl ed to so l and leaves. HELEN enables the format on of denser plants, ncreases color and aromat c propert es, extends storage and shelf l fe. HELEN ncreases the fr nge root surface and nutr t on ntake. A th cker and more robust body s formed.