Organic FertilizersGUARANTEED CONTENT (W/V)
Total Organic Matter: 12%
Total Nitrogen: 5%
Organic Nitrogen: 5%
Organic Carbon: 10%
Total Amino Acid: 20%
GROWER is a liquid organic bioactivator containing plant-based amino acids and organic substances. It provides powerful natural growth for plants during the most important biological/metabolic functions. GROWER contains vitamins, carbohydrates and selected amino acids. Among them, glutamic acid, which is required for the synthesis of chlorophyll and glycine betaine, is particularly important as an anti-stress agent. GROWER is an innovative tool for sustainable agriculture with its different complex energy sources. GROWER directly increases fringe root formation in plants. GROWER ensures that the combined nutrients are used by the plants and can be used safely with plant protection products, fertilizers and plant growth regulators.
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