Content of Live Bacteria (Billion Cfu/G): 10/20
Product Fineness (Particle Size): 60-100
Maximum Moisture: 10%
This product was created to combat Fusarium Wilt (Vascular wilt fungal disease). Actinobacteria are intimately linked to human productivity and survival, producing nearly 70% of all antibiotics currently in use. Actinomics can create a variety of enzyme preparations (protease, amylase, cellulase, and others), as well as vitamin B12, organic acid, and other substances. Actinobacteria are a group of prokaryotes. Most have developed branching hyphae. The hyphae are thin and broad, about 0.5 – 1 μm similar to rod-shaped bacteria. They are called the Actino-shaped group, which is a class of prokaryotes, widely distributed in nature and mostly spore-produced, some of which are fragmented. The gram tension is positive. Actinobacteria are widely distributed in nature, mostly found in soil, air, and water, as spores or hyphae; especially found in neutral or alkaline soils with a low water ratio, which are rich in most organisms. Most actinomycetes are aerobic. Only a few groups are aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria. The main function of actinomycetin is to absorb nutrients that are heterotrophic, except for most autotrophic bacteria such as autotrophic Streptomy. Heterotrophic bacteria have different demands for nutrition. Some can use simple compounds, but some require complex organic compounds. The best carbon source is glucose. The most suitable for nitrogen nutrition are protein, and some amino acids are more suitable, which are nitrate and ammonium salt.
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