Organomineral Fertilizers


Total Organic Matter: 50 %

Total Nitrogen: 10 %

Water Soluble Potassium Oxide: 5 %

Maximum Moisture: 5 %

Total Amino Acid : 10 %

Ph: 2.5-4.5



POWERBALL 10-0-5 is an organomineral fertilizer in NK form, produced by processing high levels of organic and partially inorganic substances with advanced production methods. POWERBALL 10-0-5 is formulated to handle hydrolysis and fermentation techniques, effective and purposeful organic structure and mineral composition used in its production. POWERBALL 10-0-5 is an excellent plant-based organomineral fertilizer for cultivation in poor organic soils. POWERBAL 10-0-5 is a granular formulation that is slow-working and long lasting (90-150 days), easy to apply in soil. POWERBAL 10-0-5 fits perfectly with base and top fertilizer. POWERBAL 10-0-5 has high amino acid, humic and fulvic acid content. This directly and indirectly increases the formation of fringe roots in plants.


Soluble in water at recommended concentrations.


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