Organomineral FertilizersGUARANTEED CONTENT: W / V
Organic Matter: 10%
Total Nitrogen (N): 8%
Urea Nitrogen (NH2-N): 5.5 %
Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N): 2 %,
Water Soluble Calcium Oxide (CaO): 2%
Water Soluble Magnesium Oxide (MgO): 2 %
Water Soluble Copper (Fr): 0.03%
Water Soluble Iron (Fe): 0.02 %
Water Soluble Manganese (Mn): 0.04 %
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn): 0.05 %
Ph Range: 4.3-6.3
Total Amino Acid : 4 %
CE-FORCE ALGOR, organic matter of which is phytochemical and rich in amino acids, is a special product. It is an organomineral fertilizer prepared to minimize the stress effect on plants. It helps the soil hold more water and air. Regulates soil pH. In vineyards, it provides longer bunches of grapes and larger grapes. In root vegetables (potatoes, beets, etc.) increases the number and size of products. Increases the number and size of the grains. It is convenient to start using with the movement of perennial plant sap juice. It is safe to use from planting seedlings in single annual plants or cases of 3-5 leaves of plants. Calcium and magnesium meet the needs of the plant without binding.
CE-FORCE ALGOR is soluble in water, at recommended concentrations; it does not subside in any way and leaves no residue.
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