Slow Release Nitrogen Solid Fertilizers


Ammonium Nitrogen DCD Inhibitor: 21%

DCD Inhibitor: 0.6%



Efficiency in nitrogen fertilization = more efficient use of the applied nitrogen by the plant.
In agricultural applications, nitrogen fertilizer is the most extensively utilized approach, and plants can benefit from just 30-35 percent of the nitrogen provided. Evaporation releases a significant amount of nitrogen into the atmosphere each year. On the one hand, it is washed out of the soil, rendering it useless to plants.
Nitrogen is a fertilizer that is heavily influenced by the environment. The use of nitrification inhibitors is the best way to boost the efficiency of ammonium sulfate, according to today’s technological breakthroughs.
With N-21, nitrogen losses from the soil are significantly reduced and the applied nitrogen is used more efficiently. It is recommended that the nitrogen fertilization used for this purpose contains a nitrification inhibitor. Thanks to the nitrification inhibitor in its N-21 content, it slows down the conversion of ammonium to nitrate before it is taken into the plant, reduces the amount of leaching, and prevents nitrogen loss.

Why Use N-21 Fertilizers?

  • More homogeneous growth in the plant
  • Long-lasting effect on nitrogen
  • Less nitrate washout
  • Less risk of burning
  • Labor savings

–It helps to increase efficiency and quality when used in appropriate amounts.
–It allows you to apply fewer doses of nitrogen fertilizer than traditional nitrogen fertilizers.

N-21 Working Principle

The purpose of using nitrification inhibitors is to reduce the leaching of nitrogen, which can be held in the ammonium form in the soil according to the Cation Exchange Capacity, by keeping it in the ammonium form for a longer time.
The Dicyandiamide (DCD) inhibitor in N-21 inhibits the nitrosomonas bacteria and slows the oxidation of ammonium (NH4+) to nitrite (NO2-). Nitrosomonas inhibition prevents nitrogen loss by slowing bacterial activity through the C-N group reaction of sulfhydryl and DCD or the effect of metal groups on respiratory enzymes in bacteria.

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